
Friday, March 21, 2014

As light as possible

Enjoying a ride around the bluffs without any gear feels fantastic. Gotta enjoy it while it lasts, soon enough 18 mph averages will only come with a tailwind.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Issues with people

Well first I received the wrong color sleeping bag. But at this point, color isn't a huge priority for me. However, the fantastic people over at campmor sent the wrong color front rack. Rechecked my order (I like to make sure I'm right before complaining.....usually) and I definitely ordered a black rack. 

This is only a problem because in order to receive that rack, I have to send this one back, which means it'll be at least another couple of weeks before I can start training with front panniers (took em 2 and half weeks just to ship it here).

Man, these are such first world problems.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Well, I ordered what should be the last of my gear (of course I'm inevitably going to need more before I actually leave....). Amazon was so kind as to split my shipment into four or five separate packages to be arriving this week, but I suppose I'll survive. 

Now it's just a matter of figuring out the best way to pack two months of gear and clothes into four small bags. 

Let the week of packages begin!